Since launching DRVE, we have focused on working with ecommerce startups, helping them to accelerate their online revenue growth without negatively impacting their cash flow. We enable them to generate sales quickly and efficiently online, while reducing and, in some cases, all but eliminating operational risk.
This focus on helping online businesses grow is not in itself unique, of course. But at DRVE, we do it in a way that is genuinely different from what has gone before – and that helps our partners achieve sustainable success.
We invest in digital marketing budgets to accelerate revenue growth. We are not a traditional agency or a venture capital firm but rather a new hybrid of the two. Instead of giving money and hoping to achieve sales here we deliver success and growth.
We are not a conventional agency because our approach is specifically focused on driving enhanced performance. Agencies have a lot of value but it is typically more on the creative side rather than being performance-driven.
Neither are we a traditional investment company. We are not looking for organisations to sell a slice of their business to us, nor do we insist on having a seat on their board. We even have quite a different take on growth to many other businesses in the investment space that mull over valuations and funding rounds. When we talk about it, we are referring to actual realised revenue via online sales. Generating positive free cash flow in investment or MBA-speak.
We do not require an upfront budget or bill client hours for our efforts, our programs are solely aligned with the actual revenue we generate for our partners. It is important to understand too that when we get a share of our partners revenues, we want to reinvest it in the business and make the marketing pot bigger, which then results in more sales. It is not about us just making money. Our success is bound up with that of our clients.
Our whole approach differs significantly from the norm in this space and that can sometimes make positioning a challenge. There is a tendency in business to categorise organisations and effectively put them in a specific box. We see that all the time from investment companies and startups alike.
One way we differentiate ourselves is how we are able to combine capital, marketing expertise and advanced AI and data analytics as a formula to drive business growth.
Our prospects often focus on the capital side. Naturally, they are interested in the money we are going to invest in them. But money in itself doesn’t solve anything. It needs to be applied properly and invested in order to drive sustainable growth and that’s essentially what we do through our investment programmes.
We provide capital to fund digital marketing that drives online revenues and ultimately business growth. We provide a combination of know-how and capital and that finances our partners’ sales. That is perhaps why experienced and seasoned entrepreneurs often understand our business straightaway. They know that you need skills and expertise upfront to put together a successful digital marketing campaign.
They know achieving online sales costs money. They get it. But they also know that with the right combination of expertise and the latest AI and data analytics capability integrated into your solutions offering, you can adapt your approach and really accelerate your online sales. That is at the heart of our message to the market. We have a new approach to driving online sales for our ecommerce companies – and it is a methodology that delivers sustainable growth.